Nemrég megláttam a használt ruhásnál, vagy ahogy Mammka mondaná, "textil-kutatóban" :o) egy hatalmas méretű farmer nadrágot és egyből tudtam, hogy ez kiválóan alkalmas táskának...:o)
És amint varrásnál kiderült, nem is egy, hanem két táska is kitelt belőle :o)!
Recently I've found a pair of jeans in a secondhand shop and I knew immediately, that it would be good for making bag....and as I started to sew it I realised that it's enough even for two. .. :o) So I made two bags from that jeans...:o)
Recently I've found a pair of jeans in a secondhand shop and I knew immediately, that it would be good for making bag....and as I started to sew it I realised that it's enough even for two. .. :o) So I made two bags from that jeans...:o)